“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you. Isaiah 60:1-2
Lord God, we need a spiritual awakening. We are surrounded and are walking in darkness. We cannot see where we are going or how much danger surrounds us.
We need a spiritual awakening in our world, among the nations, in our countries, our towns, cities, and neighbourhoods. We need a spiritual awakening in our governments, among our leaders, in our churches and our families.
But, Lord, that awakening has to begin with us. Lord.
It has to start with me.
Wake us up from the places where we have been sleeping. Show us those places inside of us where we allow darkness to reign. Please help us to see those sin patterns in our lives that hold us in darkness and keep us from the light.
Instead of being alert, so that we can watch and pray, we find ourselves, like the disciples in Gethsemane, sleeping. Wake us up, Lord!
We give you thanks that you do not slumber or sleep. We thank you for the ways you call us out of the darkness and into your light. You awaken us from sleep. But Lord, we ask for those who continue to hit the snooze button, help them to arise and become fully awake for this time you have called us into.
Stir awake your Church, so that we may see your glory. We thank you that even though thick darkness covers the earth, the light of your glory can pierce the darkness and your light can shine through.
Arise, O Lord, that we may see you!
Arise, O Church, that we may stand and see the glory of our Lord manifest in the land.
Arise, shine for our light has come; let us reflect the light of Jesus to everyone around us.
We ask all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, who is the king of glory. Amen.

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