Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Father God, our world is a mess. So many things we took for granted have been stripped away from us.
Lord, we acknowledge that some of those things were idols. They got in the way of our relationship with you. Even the things that were not bad, we prioritized above you and they became idols in our lives.
We have trusted in ourselves, Lord. Even now, we try to manage everything in our own strength. Yet your Word tells us again and again to trust you. Why is that so hard for us to do?
You call us to trust you with all of our hearts and not lean upon our own understanding. That’s a big step for us. If we are honest, we can say we trust you with just part of our heart, while we try to do the rest on our own. But you call for complete commitment.
So, Lord, we choose to trust you amid the chaos of the world around us. You know everything, and we know you care for us. So help us to take that leap of faith and trust you.
We trust that your Word is true and that as we acknowledge you, you will make straight our paths. Not that it all becomes easy, but that we know that you walk right next to us.
We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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