No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11
Father God, we are in anticipation of a time of great harvest. We believe that you are getting ready to bring many people into your kingdom.
We are eager to see it happen, but realize that it first has to happen within ourselves.
Lord, we desire to be fruitful for you, but we are so easily distracted. Will you reveal those things that would be a distraction to us and would get in the way of us being fruitful. Do that work of pruning or discipline in our lives so that we are in a better position to bear fruit for you.
Lord, we know the process is hard, and at times it is painful. When we are honest, we acknowledge that we don’t want to go through that discipline. But we do thank you that you are ever-loving and always patient with us.
You nurture us and tend to us with care and love, even during the painful times of pruning. Please help us to see that, know it, and experience it. Please help us to keep our eyes fixed upon you as we find ourselves being pruned.
But we do give you thanks that pruning produces more fruit for you.
Lord, we pray for a global harvest and thank you that you do involve us in this process. Some of us get to plant, and others get to water, but you are the one who causes the growth, so you are worthy of praise.
Just as in a garden where plants need times of watering or weeding, feeding or pruning, so there are times you will use us to do these things in the lives of other people as you work upon them drawing them to yourself.
Show us, Lord, how we can cooperate with you as we tend the harvest. Show us when we need to dig out weeds or when we need to water the soil.
We acknowledge that all too quickly, we want to jump to harvesting. We want to give the gospel message and see a life transformed. Please give us the patience to wait for your right time. Give us the patience to wait in expectation, but also help us to respond when we hear you say to go.
Lord, help us to tend this garden with love. Raise up the labourers necessary and prepare us for the harvest.
We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Teaching and learning gains skills and knowledge with power to advance. The Lord teaches, be a good student and soon become a teacher of the Lords new students! Make us strong in Christ!