If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Lord God, your Word reminds us again and again that you are the God who heals. We thank you for the many examples of how Jesus brought healing to those who were broken and sick, and how he continues to do that work of healing today.
Father, it is not just the work of physical healing that we look to you for. We are thankful for the emotional, mental, and spiritual healing you are doing in our lives.
But we long for your deep work of healing in our land too. We see so many environments that we have polluted through sin: families, the economy, our attitudes. We see greed, racism, sexual exploitation, immorality, hatred and violence everywhere.
Your Word reminds us that prayer is the answer. We acknowledge that we need you. In our pride, we try to deal with all these things by ourselves but only make things worse. We recognize that we cannot fix the problems.
Instead, we look to you in humility, acknowledging our need, and our sin against you.
Lord, we know it is not enough to confess where we are wrong, but that we need to turn away and change our thoughts, attitudes and actions. Give us eyes to see where we need to change and help us by your Holy Spirit to do just that.
Start with us Lord, but bring an attitude of repentance to our nations, to our leaders, to governments and everyone, so that as hearts turn to you, you will hear our cries and will bring healing to our land.
This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Saviour, Amen.

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