Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbour, for we are all members of one body. “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.
Lord God, we praise you for you are a God of Justice. You are truth and your Spirit searches deep within hearts exposing what is within. Ephesians 4:25-27
Lord Jesus, you stood up to injustice within society, demonstrating righteousness, anger and compassion. You exposed the motives of people’s hearts, making room for repentance and forgiveness.
Your Word tells us not to move towards sin when we are angry. Holy Spirit, we ask that you would help those who are angry right now to express that anger appropriately and not move into sin.
You tell us we are to love our neighbours. Lord expose the attitudes of our hearts where we do not do that. Lord, show and reveal the attitudes that we are unaware of.
Lord, help us to hear the truth when it is spoken and give us the courage to face how unjust we have made our world to be.
We give you thanks that you have dealt with injustice through the cross. You went to the cross for all of our sins. You took the full weight of the injustice, brokeness and sin upon yourself when you suffered and died in our place.
Lord, now through your Spirit, would you help us to work for restoration in this world. Break the power of the enemy, who wants to continue to bring division, violence, hatred and destruction, Frustrate his plans, expose his schemes and turn what he has planned for evil to good.
Move in us with your love and bring your church, of all races, tribes, languages and cultures together in unity and worship of you, our king of love.
We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus, our rock and our redeemer. Amen.
lois kuchta
Thank you and praise the Lord for these convicting and challenging words,may the Lord help us to be His hands and feet in these dark days.